
Students Write Exam With Desks Spaced Out on The Field in Ogun

Al-Minhaaj Model College in Ogun state have conducted their SS3 mock examinations outside the classroom with much space.

The measure according to them was taken to avoid exam malpractices and to instill good conducts in their students.

The aberrant measure was though frowned at by many people even as what is known is that students write exams in classrooms not on the field.

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In reaction, the school said that it was to encourage Self-Reliance as well as an attempt to resuscitate the Country’s education sector.

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They even shared the pictures of the students on face while the exam was being written which that has sufficiently earned them popularity.

The school therefore, urged parents and stakeholders to support the school by also discouraging anything that may effect low performance and be committed to meritocracy.

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Written by Tare Magbei

Tare Magbei is a media practitioner with Daily Report Nigeria.

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