
I Can’t Wait To Leave Office – Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari has said he looks forward to when his tenure would come to an end.

Buhari, who stated this while talking to a gathering of businessmen, civil society organisations and the media at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, said he would like to leave office having consolidated on his achievements so far.

The president said: ”I am gradually entering my final year in office. It is a period I intend to spend not only on consolidating on the achievements of the past seven years but also to leave a legacy for a united, peaceful, and prosperous Nigeria.

”I take this initiative to mean that you all intend to collaborate with this administration in that direction.

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”For those among you who are politicians, you must look beyond gaining power to how you can leverage public positions in the process of societal change. To the businessmen and women among you, there is great glory in public service.

”The question that should be uppermost always is: How do we leverage our business endowment for the greater good of our country?

Also Read: President Buhari Launches N62.1 Billion HIV Trust Fund

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