Shehu Sani, a former federal lawmaker has named Bello Turji, Dogo Gide, Manjagara and Balleri as the topmost northern terror leaders who are terrorizing the country.
The former lawmaker wondered how the terrorists leader who are almost becoming household names have remained illusive for authorities to arrest.
According to him: “Bello Turji, Dogo Gide, Manjagara and Balleri are the topmost northern terror leaders who have been granting Radio and papers interviews in our Hausa language, but remain illusive for authorities to arrest. I just don’t get it,”
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Also Read: Insecurity: Why Govt Should Allow Nigerians Carry Weapons – Shehu Sani
Sani added, “There are 37 villages along Kaduna-Abuja road, if the Government can recruit, arm and engage the youths of these villages to protect the road and the rail track, it’ll be cheaper and more effective than blowing N71 Billion in the name of surveillance or whatever ‘solution systems’ they call it.”