Yomi Alore, better known by his stage name Yomi Gold, a well-known Nollywood actor, is facing a life-threatening situation as a result of a paternity scandal with Mosh, a big boy from Lagos, and his wife, Doyin Aduke.
Recall that Mosh and Aduke’s marriage was said to have broken down due to infidelity and paternity fraud after the husband hacked his wife’s email account and discovered that Yomi Gold is the real father of his second child.
Yomi denied the report on his Instagram page, claiming that he is not the father of the child. He also warned that Mosh’s family should be allowed to settle their differences and promised to pray for the couple.
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The actor, on the other hand, revealed on Friday that his life was in danger in a new post that was accompanied by a video of his phone conversation with an unidentified number in which the person threatened and cursed him and his mother.
He wrote: My life is at risk.