
Bandits Will Remain Until Granted Amnesty Like Niger Delta Militants – Sheikh Gumi

Bandits Will Remain Until Granted Amnesty Like Niger Delta Militants – Sheikh Gumi | Daily Report Nigeria
Sheikh Ahmad Gumi
Bandits Will Remain – Sheikh Gumi

Sheikh Ahmad Gumi, the Islamic cleric has reiterated the need for the Muhammadu Buhari-led federal government to grant bandits amnesty.

The Kaduna-based cleric said bandits will never cease to exist in Nigeria unless granted amnesty like the Niger Delta militants.

Gumi stated this in a Facebook epistle titled: ‘Zamfara: The Flaring Of Crisis,’ warning that any military action aimed at the armed herders would worsen the insecurity situation rather than solve it.

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Calling to mind the situation with the Taliban in Afghanistan, Gumi insisted that no military, particularly of a poor economy like Nigeria can win guerrilla warfare.

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The statement reads partly:
“By 2015, banditry has replaced cattle rearing that is becoming nearly impossible. Drugs were introduced into the herdsmen that are known to be illiterates or semi-illiterates.

“Just as we had the Niger Delta conflict resolved with an amnesty which comes with reconciliation, reparation, and rehabilitation packages, so will the herdsmen crisis be resolved. In fact, there is a need for a Marshal plan to educate the nomadic pastoralist so that no citizen is left behind.

“No military, especially of a poor economy, can win guerrilla warfare. The recent victory of the Taliban in Afghanistan is a factual warning for those that contemplate.”

Gumi who has been called out for his affinity with bandits, recently called on the Nigerian Government to grant bandits blanket amnesty.

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Written by Tare Magbei

Tare Magbei is a media practitioner with Daily Report Nigeria.

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