Everton star, Dominic Calvert Lewin and Scott Carson, Man city goalkeeper have supported in raising £60,000 for Danny Hodgson.
The British football star has been in a coma after attack by an unknown 15 year old boy.
The attack was confirmed on social media by Hodgson’s club Joondalup FC.
The one-punch attack occured at a train station in Perth, Australia.
The aftermath of such attack was fractured skull and a bleed on Hodgson’s brain.
Following the incident, Steve Burton, Hodgson’s friend set up a GO Fund me account to help him source for funds.
Also Read: Former PSG Defender Jean-Pierre Adams Dies After 40 Years in Coma
The account was launched on Wednesday 8th of this month and donation was being made but the biggest donation came from Calvert Lewin of Everton.
He donated the sum of £2,000 while Scott Carson, Man city goalkeeper and wife contributed £1000.
That said, Dean Henderson of Man Utd has also pledged a huge sum of £3,500. That would have been the biggest donation so far if fulfilled!
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