The Daily Report Nigeria WhatsApp Group is a community of people enthusiastic about being abreast with trending national, political, entertainment, sport, and other news categories.
Joining the community is FREE of charge for everyone interested in getting the latest news updates in Nigeria.
Before you join, kindly take note of the following:
ATTENTION: Click “HERE” to join our WhatsApp group and receive News updates directly on your WhatsApp!
- Joining more than ONE Daily Report Nigeria News Room WhatsApp group is not allowed.
- We DO NOT call you to ask for anything or invite you to anything.
- The Group is FREE and all the latest information will be posted on the Group.
Please click on the group link below to join the available group. Remember, join JUST ONE!
If you have joined one before. PLEASE DO NOT JOIN ANOTHER. The Groups are all the same.
Click to Join Daily Report Nigeria WhatsApp Group LINK.
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- You can also find us on Facebook & Twitter: @dailyreportng