Doctors Bill: We Leave Leprosy and Treat Scabs

Doctors Bill: We Leave Leprosy and Treat Scabs | Daily Report Nigeria
By Seun Ogun
The trail’s end marks the start of the new map. Nigeria is unquestionably a fine country, blessed with sensible laws and wonderful people, but some of its citizens break these laws in one way or another.
It’s interesting that these laws emphasised the importance of cooperation between the rulers and the ruled in running the operations of the state. We may observe how the government handled the scabs and maintained leprosy laws throughout earlier regimes. Since the founding of the first republic, this has been one of the country’s problems.

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It is disrespectful on the part of any government to ignore certain laws that require immediate attention, such as the penal code in the country’s northern region, which in fact gives strong authority to the issue of blasphemy, laws of insurgency, terrorism, maladministration and money laundering by public officers, human rights abuses, and other appropriate laws that can result in citizens living better lives than their counterparts.
Recently, the Five years mandatory service bill brought up by the legislature making around the internet calls for rapt and thorough attention yet, another attainable achievement and good progress made by the ruling class.
And impressively, the doctors’ proposed bill is in its second reading stage. The bill agitates that fresh graduates in the medical and dental school to serve the country by driving the Health sector for meritorious five years before being licensed to practice.
As earlier alluded to, this bill is a good one with good features that can further improve the standard of living conditions in our country. Before that, let us take a closer examination at the burning question “Why would fresh graduates mandatorily stay in Nigeria for 5 years after serving the country for a year?”
It’s a daylight truth that the reasons are not far-fetched. First, to deal with the clogging in primary healthcare, and for healthcare delivery across all strata to eradicate inequality and inequities in the distribution of healthcare services to under-served populations.
While we see immigration as a decision anchored by the state of mind, these decisions are not made without consultation and a painstaking approach within the context of the state system. This helps make it clear that immigration is a product of and a response to the international and domestic economy.

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It’s a modern reality that the “industrialised nations” is equipped with increased economic growth but what we see in our domesticated economy is political instability, insurgency, embezzlement of public funds, poor funding of education, and hunger, to mention a few, of which are top determinants causing massive emigration of professionals. It is important to note that regulations addressing these irregularities must be adequately revised and put into effect if the issue preventing our economic development is to be resolved.
As we move forward, it is saddening to see the legislature, a group of nobles, and the most revered citizens of the nation gather to start a new chapter regarding the limitation of young Nigerian medical graduates to serving the fatherland for 5 years after a meritorious service of almost 8 years in the Nigerian educational system. While I agree that this might have been sponsored by genuine humane beliefs, it is, however, a flagrant violation of human rights to curtail the immigration of experts as contained in our constitution.
Since our independence, many skilled Nigerians have emigrated to different parts of the world in search of greener pastures. In the sense of justice and fair play, they leave to have a good, better, and promising life.
What I mean by good life is the existence of favorable government policies to aid the achievement of dreams, job security, life security, and a high standard of living which helps in assuring a “Long life”. There is nothing bad for young doctors to emigrate to another part of the world provided the actualization and fulfillment of their dreams are being made.

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As to the extent of the law, the only reason for denying the above is in the context of crime(s). The only justification which can make this bill an outright law is only if all provisions are met, that is provision of adequate amenities, proper funding of the sector in question, and appreciation of human labour.
The government which has failed in providing good and habitable public hospitals, constant electricity, a good road network, and payment of public servant salaries is here again to hold to ransom the emigration of young promising professionals searching for greener pastures.
This bill is uncalled for if only we believe in the spirit of justice, fairness, and equality.
Come to think of it, what if after the stipulated 5 years almost all the young doctors leave Nigeria? Then the Yoruba proverb, “Orì bìbè kò ní ògùn Orí fífó” which translates, “Apitation is not the antidote for headache”. We can’t solve problems by creating more problems, we can rather solve the problem with clarity.
I know why many people may disagree with the question “Who will medical service if young doctors“ leave? This question ought not to be directed to the professionals in question however, the government is the one accountable for the welfare of the people as enshrined in the “Section 14 subsection (2b) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended that “The security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of the government”.
When it comes to security, we have lost our tact and government welfare has decried long ago. If the welfare of the people is the primary purpose of the government, electricity shouldn’t be available on “special occasions” such as Religious days, Governor visits amongst others, “cheap” education should be perfect, and hospitals should be well equipped.
Another issue which needs urgent attention is that our medical doctors are less paid compared to their counterparts overseas. Imagine, an average fresh graduate Doctor earning 120,000 monthly while struggling to combine a series of side hustles with it to sustain themselves and their family whereas others earn multiple folds.
Tell me, if you were in their shoes will you settle where your talents are less appreciated?
The government needs to put all hands on deck, work rigorously and make things work out well before we delve into making laws. “We can’t put something on nothing and expect it to stand.
Both the government and the legislature have no right to circumscribe the mobility of labour because natural talent drives to the shore where it gains more value and where the return is excellent. It’s even surprising to behold how the legislature sees this as an unwelcome development. The government that flies abroad on routine medical checks now wants to constrain the mobility of young Nigerians. Who says there’s the practice of rule of law, fairness, and justice in the Nigerian system?
For this bill to be more effective and practicable, the government has to reinstitutionalize and heavily compensate young Nigerian Doctors with attractive incentives, and a promising future.
While we wait for this, all members of the arms of government piloting the affairs of the state should lead by example by showing faith in the Nigeria Medical Service. This can only be done by shunning Medical checkups abroad and putting faith in the Nigerian healthcare system.

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Conclusively, while I believe the new administration will work towards providing necessities and favourable economic policies, it should also strive not to condone any form of restriction on the emigration of young Nigerian medical graduates.
Seun Ogun is a 100-level law student of Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun state.
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