Three teachers, including the headmaster and a deputy head teacher were on Friday kidnapped from a high school in Cameroon.
They were said to have been kidnapped by armed men in one of two English-speaking regions plagued by an armed conflict between separatists and soldiers, a teachers’union told AFP on Friday.
“An armed group burst into the Weh bilingual high school on Tuesday and kidnapped five people,” said Roger Kafo, secretary general of the National Union of Secondary Teachers (Snaes).
Armed separatists regularly attack schools which they accuse of teaching in French, and kill civil servants, including teachers, whom they accuse of collaborating with the central government in Yaounde.
Kafo added, “At the moment we don’t have any news of the hostages and none has been freed.
“The hostages were the principal, the deputy head and three teachers,” he said.
The northwest and southwest regions have been rocked by violence since 2017 when anglophone militants declared independence from the majority French-speaking country.
Both the separatists and government forces have been accused of atrocities in the fighting, which has claimed more than 3,000 lives and forced over 700,000 to flee their homes.
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