A 39-year-old Nigerian businessman, Alika Ogorchukwu, has been beaten to death by an Italian man in Civitanova Marche city in the Province of Macerata, Marche Region of Italy.
The incident, according to reports, occurred on Friday afternoon, July 29, 2022, on a busy street, in a heated debate over a woman.
The incident was equally captured in video clips by onlookers.
Ogorchukwu was selling tissues and small accessories at about 2 p.m. local time on the city’s main street when his attacker grabbed a crutch the vendor used to walk and struck him down, police said.
This happened because the victim had asked the attacker’s girlfriend to buy his scarves or give him change, newsmen stated.
The videotape of the attack shows the assailant then wresting the victim to the pavement as the victim fought back.
Ogochukwu unfortunately was subdued by the weight of his attacker.
Though, no passerby tried to physically intervene, the police were called and tried to administer aid to the victim, police chief Matteo Luconi told an Italian news channel.
Police confirmed it used street cameras to track the assailant’s movements and later detained a man identified as Filippo F., 32.
He was further held on suspicion of murder and theft after being accused of stealing the victim’s phone as well.
Following Filippo’s girlfriend’s confession to the police, her partner was furious because the seller insisted that they bought something.
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