
Kicking Buni out As APC Caretaker Chair, Pleasant Surprise – Itse Sagay

Prof. Itse Sagay, Chairman of the Presidential Advisory Committee Against Corruption (PACAC), has described Monday’s ouster of Governor Mai Mala Buni as Chairman, Caretaker Extraordinary Convention Planning Committee (CECPC) of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) as a healthy development for the party.

Governor Sani Bello of Niger State on Monday, took over control of the APC.

Sagay while speaking to the media said: “I believe Buni’s removal is a very healthy development for the APC. Now, we can look forward to a proper convention for the election of the new party leadership. After that, we can have a proper convention for the primaries”.

Also Read: APC: Group Declares Buni’s Removal Illegal, Calls For Expulsion of Bello

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“Buni is a man who has too many axes to grind and instead of working for the interest of the party which asked him to do a six months job but he turned it into a permanent job. He had too many unknown agenda which he was slowly carrying out”.

“So, it was clear to all that he was no longer operating on behalf of the party but for his selfish interests. His removal to me is good news and I believe we can now make progress as a party”

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Written by Alabi Saheed Abiodun

Contact on +23434611209


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