A lady has narrated her ordeal after she had to visit a hospital when she had a vibrator stuck up her bum.
The woman took to TikTok to reveal the X-ray she had done before undergoing surgery to remove the vibrator from her body.
The TikTok User named Sophie shared a video documenting her ordeal with the caption: “I got a vibrator stuck up my a**e.”
In an explanation video that followed, the 27-year-old from Essex said: “It was on when it went in and it continued to buzz, probably, I don’t know how many hours it was, what happened was my kids were in bed.

“I phoned NHS 111 to ask for advice. They tried to send paramedics. I said, no, because regardless I can’t go to the hospital until the morning because nobody’s awake.
“I said, I will go to A&E in the morning. I tried to sleep which was quite difficult because it was literally buzzing on my spine.
“Eventually did fall asleep. I woke up, it was off. So one would assume the battery had died. That was very wrong of me to assume.
“Obviously I’ve gone the whole A&E trip and had to have the X-ray done. They tried to fish it out with their hands, like twice.
“The only option was to have it surgically removed.
“I had the surgery, I woke up in recovery and on the table was a kidney dish with a plastic bag in so curious old me who was still on anaesthetic leaned over and grabbed it to see what it was.
“It was like, it’s like a reward. So there, it was, it was, it was in a bag in the kidney dish and I press the on button. It f**king worked, didn’t it?
“I think it must’ve had some cool technology, um, as part of its spec, you know? It must’ve had a self-timer it must’ve just, you know?
“Or they, they thought, she had such a good time. Let’s replace the batteries for her completely free of charge.”