A ghastly inferno has claimed the lives of tons of people, injuring many others.
The victims ware said to have attended a concert, before tragedy struck.
The injured were taken to the local Kocani hospital.
A fire outbreak in North Macedonia has left many mourning, after claiming non less than 50 lives.
Daily Report Nigeria gathers that while 51 deaths wer confirmed, 100 people reportedly got injured.
The outbreak happened in Pulse night club in the town, around midnight on Sunday, March 16, and was attended mainly by youths.
Confirming the incident today, Sunday, the state news agency MIA said
“at least 50 people died in a discotheque in Kocani”, a town some 100 kilometres (60 miles) east of the capital Skopje, where “around 1,500 people attended a concert”.
Also confirming the incident, an online media platform, SDK noted that the fire outbreak, which might have been caused by pyrotechnic devices/gadget started around 3 am (0200 GMT), and and over 100 people were wounded.
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The police force in Jigawa state have arrested a cleric for murder.
The cleric was alleged to have killed and mutilated a pupil.
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