A teenage boy who was shot by his landlord has passed away.
The boy was shot after scaling the landlord’s dance to retrieve his football.
The motyer made this known to the public, while wailing and demanding justice.
A young boy who was shot by his landlord has reportedly passed away.
Daily Report Nigeria recalls that a 16-year-old boy, Paul had jumped a man’s fence while playing football with his friends, in a bid to retrieve his football.
The teenage boy of Urban Secondary School in the Area N, World Bank Housing area of Owerri was shot by the yet-to-be-identified landlord on Monday, March 17.
In recent news, Paul passed away at the Specialist Hospital, Umuguma, Owerri barely 24 hours after undergoing a surgery.
Confirming the incident to PUNCH, Mr Jonathan Odikanwa, Paul’s guardian said he passed away on Thursday afternoon, March 20, 2025.
He has passed away. My son has passed away. The doctors just said they lost him. Even after the surgery yesterday (Wednesday), we had been hopeful that he would come around. My boy who had lived with me for over seven years had passed on,”
The spokesperson of the State Police Command, DSP Henry Okoye, confirmed the incident and the arrest of the landlord who shot the teenager.
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