
BREAKING: Terrorists Abduct 5 Federal University of Katsina Students

Terrorists Abduct 5 Female Katsina Federal University Students

Suspected terrorists have reportedly abducted at least five female students have been abducted from the Federal University in Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State.

A relative of one of the victims, Muhammad Fatima confirmed the invasion to newsmen.

According to Fatima, the terrorists stormed the students’ private lodge along Moriamoh Ajiri School and forcefully took away the young women.

She disclosed that three of the abducted students hailed from Kwara State, one was from Kano, and another was from Niger State.

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The students from Kwara were identified as Muhammad Fatima, Bello Fatima Zara, and Adam Rahmatallahi.

However, the names of the two remaining students have not been identified at this time.

The incident follows closely on the heels of another kidnapping just 12 days ago, where dozens of female students were taken from a public university in Zamfara State.


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Written by Tapre Timine

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