Woman Discovers Her Son’s Bride is Her Long Lost Daughter of 20-Years

Woman discovered at son’s wedding that the bride is actually her long-lost daughter

A Chinese woman has discovered that her son’s bride is in fact her long-lost daughter of over two decades.

The elated was a guest at her son’s wedding in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China, on Wednesday, March, 31, when things took a new twist.

According to Chinese media,the woman identified her daughter whom she abandoned at a roadside over twenty years ago.

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To make certain her observations, she approached the parents of the bride to enquire if they had l adopted their daughter decades ago.

The bride’s family expressed shock by the enquiry as the answer to her question has remained a secret ever since they found the little girl by the roadside and took charge of her over twenty years ago.

The bride bursted into tears when the report got to her ears as she had been desperately on the lookout for her biological family, tagging the moment as “happier than the wedding day itself”.

There was no objection to the marriage ceremony as it turns out that the groom was adopted by the woman after a fruitless search for her lost daughter, making them non-blood related relatives.

Meanwhile, Daily Report Nigeria brought you report of how a jealous groom battered his bride to death.