Two female police officers named PC Godiya and PC Kubra, have reportedly died in a fatal car accident while travelling to Akwa Ibom State.

The deceased officers were serving with the Borno State Police Command.

Both were travelling to Akwa Ibom for the 13th Biennial Police Games Uyo 2022 when they had a car crash along Jos axis, claiming their lives.

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The command’s spokesperson, Muazu Abubakar confirmed the tragic news, adding that 15 other persons sustained varying degrees of injuries in the accident.

He also shared photos of the police officers on his official Twitter page with the caption:

Our personnel from Borno Police Command were involved in a fatal motor vehicle Accident along Jos axis on their way to A/Ibom for the upcoming 13 Biennial Police Games UYO 2022 leaving 15 personel with various degrees of injury while Pc Godiya and Pc Kubra paid a supreme price.”


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