
Tinubu Begs NLC to Suspend Nationwide Strike

President Bola Tinubu has begged the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) to suspend its planned strike.

Tinubu announced its commitment to addressing the concerns raised by the NLC movement regarding the removal of fuel subsidy.

In response to the 7-day ultimatum given by the NLC, the government has requested more time to thoroughly examine the grievances before resorting to industrial action.

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The leader of the government team, Olu Verheijen, accompanied by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Kachollom Daju, implored the NLC to allow the government to address the issues raised, rather than proceeding with the strike.

Verheijen stated that the government has not implemented palliative care because it does not want to make a mistake.

According to her, meetings with organized labour have been productive and will continue Thursday.

She said:

President Bola Tinubu is working assiduously to address all of these issues. And as quickly as he can, he’s very empathetic; he is concerned about it, as you’ve seen all of us working round the clock here to make sure we are able to announce these measures as quickly as possible. It’s a whole package of issues that we’re rolling out as quickly as possible.”

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