Nigerian actor Ibrahim Yekini, popularly known as Itele, and Instagram comedian Abdulgafar Abiola, also known as Cute Abiola, have both been alleged of having had an affair with the same woman.

The superstars have been sleeping with the same person, according to blogger Gistlover.

According to the blog, the lady, who lives in Abeokuta, sleeps with Abiola whenever he meets her, and Itele’s sexual relationship with him is for movie roles.

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As according to the blog, many of these women are constantly willing to do everything for popularity.

The post reads;

Now make I go update una again, you see this particular girls she don chop Abiola and Ibrahim Yekini aka itele. She stays in Abeokuta and meet up with abiola anytime any day as for Itele na Sara him dey chop base on movie connection way she dey find you see all those girls dem Sha wan use anything get fame even if na small, this particular own am 100 percent sure about and dem say those way dey ABK shabi her wella.”

Actor Itele, Comedian Abiola Dragged for Dating Same Woman | Daily Report Nigeria