
Crayon Opens Up About Struggles with Depression and Near-Death Experience


Nigerian singer Charles Chibuezechukwu, better known as Crayon, recently opened up about his struggles with public acceptance and health issues.

In a recent episode of ‘Drip Check,’ Crayon revealed that he suffered from depression in 2020 due to a lack of recognition for his music, despite releasing numerous songs.

The Mavin artist also shared a close call he had with his health in 2022.

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“2020 was one of my darkest years. I released around seven songs, but none of them gained traction. When I released ‘Gbona,’ it was set to be a hit, but then COVID-19 happened and everything shut down. ‘Gbona’ was a club banger, but even after releasing the video, it didn’t take off. I was putting out songs every two weeks.

“I had a breakdown in early 2022. Many people don’t come back from something like that. The fact that I’m standing here now is a miracle. I almost lost my life,” Crayon said.

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Written by Uthman Olagoke


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