
Mikel Obi Almost Made Me Quit Refereeing – Mark Clattenburg

Mikel Obi Almost Made Me Quit Refereeing - Mark Clattenburg | Daily Report Nigeria

Former English Premier League referee, Mark Clattenburg, has disclosed how former Super Eagles captain and Chelsea midfielder, John Mikel Obi almost made him quit refereeing.

Mark revealed that allegations made by Mikel Obi did put him in a very tight situation back then in 2012.

According to Clattenburg, he was accused of racially abusing the retired Nigerian player following Chelsea’s 3-2 defeat to Manchester United at Stamford Bridge.

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Clattenburg sent off two Chelsea players defender Branislav Ivanovic and forward Fernando Torres, before missing an offside call for United’s last gasp winner.

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The retired referee wrote in his new autobiography, Whistle-Blower:

“Chelsea made a formal complaint to the FA three days after the game. They were saying I had racially abused Mikel and for the first time, I was made aware of the specifics of their accusation, which was also leaked to the press.

“According to Chelsea, I had said to Mikel, ‘Shut up, you monkey.’ The language disgusted me, it was damaging and fictitious.

“Twenty-five days after the game, the FA dismissed the case. I was not guilty, something I had known all along.”

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