
Nigeria @60: 60 With Deep Reflection of Matching Forward

Nigeria @60: 60 With Deep Reflection of Matching Forward | Daily Report Nigeria

By Frank Pukon

Despite, corruption and poverty in the country, we can still hope in sixty by matching forward to unravel the opportunities before us.

Nigeria like any other country has had her faire share. We have had grave obstacles in the course of our political and economic development. We had a military coup, 3 years for us becoming independent, it was a turning point to our politics and fledgling democracy because the coup bequeathed us an endearing political instability.

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Notwithstanding, these challenges, we have held to the Nigerian spirit of matching forward of hope and optimism.

It is because of this peculiar Nigerian spirit, 60 years ago, our founding fathers intellectually fought for our independence when other countries applied the violent approach. Nigeria on the contrary unleashed her human mercenaries and intellect for match of freedom.

This Nigerian spirit was what I saw when I made a statement regarding the Water Resource Bill, arguing that we need laws that will better the lots of Nigerians, not divisive laws that will add more problems to our protracted disunity.

Because for our democracy to be sustained adequate laws must be enacted to confront the challenges of present realities.

I was two of the first Nigerians to condemn this heinous Water Resource Bill, I therefore, want to congratulate Nigerians for their resilience and courage in rejecting the Bill.

However, it is not over yet, it has just only begun, we must be vigilant and watch forward to their next line of action.

Our country’s path to greatness and sustainable economic development lies within us: if we continue to demonstrate that Nigerian spirit by speaking in one voice, hold our leaders accountable and participate in governance, there is hope.

But when we buy into the age-long discord of intolerable disunity and ethnic rivalry rather than to promote the Nigerian brand, it will become impossible for us to chart our developmental framework.

Let me end with a quote I often referred to as a spirit of patriotism. In his inaugural address as president of the United States of America, John Kennedy says:
“And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.”

What can we do for our country Nigeria, fellow Nigerians?

Pukon is the Secretary General of the Ijaw Youth Council ( IYC) Worldwide.

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