
Nigeria is Under Spell – Pastor Enenche

Pastor Paul Enenche, the General Overseer of Dunamis Church, has stated that Nigeria is under witchcraft spell and bewitchment.

Enenche, who made the remarks in Abuja while leading his congregation in prayers for the nation said that Nigerians “are suffering and smiling”.

According to him, the height of abnormality in Nigeria had gone so off handle that “even a blind man knows that something is wrong”

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He, further blamed the situation of the country on the invocation of demonic spirits by wicked leaders who desperately want to control the political space at all cost.

The cleric, also noted that Nigerians are under spell, hence some are ready to die for wicked and insensitive leaders who care less about their existence and well-being.

”People in high places of authority can go to any length. They can rent herbalists and put them in aircraft and move round the country on aircraft and move around the air to cast spell on the whole nation so that when it’s time to vote people will not know what they are voting.

“People will be campaigning for almost demons and will want to kill themselves for a person who doesn’t care for them.”

He lamented that politicians had mortgaged the future of the country such that generations unborn already have a gloomy future yet the populace feel that all is normal.

” It’s a blatant failure. That you left something worse than you met it. Is that success? If you know how much Nigeria is owing, you will know nothing is left.”

He urged Christians to sustain prayers for the expiration of every national bewitchment and projection of satanic spirits upon the country until Nigerians take back their country from the political hawks

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Written by Tare Magbei

Tare Magbei is a media practitioner with Daily Report Nigeria.

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