
Outcome of Military Operations Against Insurgents Encouraging – Air Chief

Chief of air staff, Oladayo Amao has said the military flight operations against criminal elements in various parts of the country have been yielding positive results.

According to a statement issued on Saturday by Edward Gabkwet, NAF spokesman, the COAS stated this during his operational visit to frontline troops of the 105 composite group in Maiduguri, and the 103 strike group in Yola.

During his visit, the Naval boss was briefed by the operation’s air component commander, Nnamdi Ananaba, who gave a summary of the major achievements recorded by the air component towards defeating terorrists in Borno state.

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In his remarks, Amao said: “The outcome of our air operations have been very encouraging and positive, and we must sustain these efforts to remain on course towards meeting our overall end state of ridding the region of these criminals,”

“Absolute commitment, discipline and dedication are required at this point in time for us to get the job done.”

He expressed optimism that the security challenges ravaging the country would soon be a thing of the past.

He commended the gallant personnel for their commitment and dedication to duty, and urged them to continue to synergise their efforts with other security agencies within their location.

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