
Presidential Amnesty Program Beyond N65k Stipend – Otuaro

Presidential Amnesty Program Beyond N65k Stipend - Otuaro
Dr. Dennis Otuaro, Coordinator Presidential Amnesty Programme

The Special Adviser to President Bola Tinubu on Niger Delta Affairs and Coordinator of the Presidential Amnesty programme, Dr. Dennis Otuaro has described the intervention initiative as one with a vision beyond the payment of N65,000 monthly stipend.

Otuaro said this on Saturday during a meeting with Phase 2 delegates of the programme and stakeholders in Warri, Delta State.

Emphasizing the need for unity and collaboration, Otuaro outlined strategic initiatives aimed at deepening the impact of the Amnesty Program, which has been instrumental in fostering peace and development in the Niger Delta region.

In his opening remarks, Otuaro stressed the importance of inclusive development, advocating for foreign scholarships and skill acquisition, extensive training programs, and empowerment for those who have already undergone training.

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He highlighted the necessity of correcting irregularities within the current system to ensure that the benefits of the program are evenly distributed and accessible to all eligible participants.

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“If we can sustain this peace and generate great ideas, I am confident that we can present a compelling case to His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu,” Otuaro stated.

He expressed assurance that President Tinubu is committed to the development of the Niger Delta, and he believes that with the President’s support, the Amnesty Program can reach new heights.

Otuaro called for unity among stakeholders, urging them to avoid divisive actions and to communicate any genuine concerns directly to him. He announced plans to engage with critical stakeholders who are not currently beneficiaries of the Amnesty Program, aiming to include them in the development process through initiatives similar to the PACOSOL framework.

The engagement meeting, which has brought together various stakeholders of the Phase 2, is part of a broader consultation program designed to refine and expand the Amnesty Program.

According to Otuaro, his vision entails working together and leveraging available resources to enable the Niger Delta achieve sustainable development and lasting peace.

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Written by Tare Magbei

Tare Magbei is a media practitioner with Daily Report Nigeria.

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