
Subsidy Removal: Protests To Hold in All States in Jan 2022 – NLC

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has disclosed rallies will hold in all states to protest against the planned removal of fuel subsidy by the federal government.

NLC decision is contained in a communique issued on Friday and signed by Ayuba Wabba and Emmanuel Ugboaja, its president and secretary, respectively, after the organisation’s national executive council (NEC) meeting in Abuja.

“The NEC, therefore, resolved to reject and resist the planned increase in the pump price of petrol by the Federal Government, as it is extremely insensitive to the acute hardship being experienced by Nigerian workers and people,” the statement reads.

“Pursuant to its rejection and resistance of further increase in the price of petrol, to organise protest rallies in all the 36 States of the Federation on Jan. 27, 2022.

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Also Read: NLC Speaks on Adoption of Direct Primary

“This would culminate in the submission of protest letters to all the 36 State Governors. Subsequently, a National Protest will take place on Feb. 1, 2022 in Abuja.

“In case government decides to announce new petrol prices before the proposed protests, the protest will kick-off instantly and without any other further notice in every state of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory.”

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